The Chamber of Commerce Executives of Kansas has provided these resource links on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) for you and your chamber. There are other tools available including dealing with invoicing, letters to members, etc. during the pandemic.
Please send any articles/best practices that you would like to share with other members to Ruth Littlefield at [email protected].
Bob Harris Articles
Robert C. Harris, CAE
The Nonprofit Center: Promoting the Association Management Profession
- Board Motions Strategic or Tactical
- Board Orientation Workbook
- Did You Prepare for the Pandemic?
- Extending Board Terms
- How to Waste a Good Board Meeting
- Taking the Pulse of Leaders, Influencers and Staff
- Build a Smart Agenda
Good To Great Governance – Resources for Board Development (2-part guide)
Pages 1-24
Pages 25-42
A Dozen Articles for Board Development
Conveying the Role of the Board
Strategic Use of Savings Reserve
The Perfect Board
Annual Inspection Record – Grade the Association
Board Reading List
Clean Governance
Instill a Corporate Culture
Leadership Legacy Richard McDonald
Whose Role Is It – Board, Staff, Committee
Recovery Tools & Innovative Chamber Examples
U.S. Chamber Foundation: Path Forward – Navigating the Return to Work
ACCE: #ChamberStrong Response – Innovative Examples from Chambers in the U.S.
McKinsey & Company: COVID-19 Resources
International Economic Development Council (IEDC): Leadership in Times of Crisis and Recovery Toolkit
Membership | Invoicing | Virtual Events
- Kyle Sexton – Should You Be Invoicing Your Members Right Now?
- Sample letters with invoices to members during Coronavirus
Virtual Events:
Strategic Impact on Associations | Budgeting During a Crisis
Employee Handbook & Disaster Plan Wording on Pandemics & Disasters
From the Bixby (OK) Metro Chamber of Commerce – Krystal Crockett, President ([email protected])
From our Disaster Plan:
Dangerous Pandemic illness can cause hundreds, thousands or millions of deaths around the world. If a public notice of imminent danger is issued by the Centers for Disease Control the Chamber management should become informed and follow federal and local instructions.
(Pandemic Flu Specific) Flu is caused by viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs and is generally spread from person to person when an infected person coughs or sneezes. A vaccination against the pandemic flu — when it is available — will be the best way to prevent the disease. To fight the annual flu, members of high-risk groups should get a flu shot. Even those who are not in the high-risk categories should get a flu shot if enough vaccine is available, especially healthcare workers.
The following simple, common sense precautions can also help prevent the spread of all types of influenza and viruses and are recommended by the Centers for Disease Control:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick. If you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick, too.
- Stay home when you’re sick or have symptoms: fever, chills, headache, cough and shortness of breath, vomiting or diarrhea
- Get plenty of rest and check with a health care provider as needed.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your sleeve, not your hands. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.
- Clean your hands. Washing your hands often will help protect you against germs. When soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based disposable hand wipes or gel sanitizers.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose or mouth.
In the event of Pandemic illness, the BMCC will attempt to maintain the best level of service possible to our members. The following procedures will be put in place:
- Staff will be able to use laptop computers to work from home.
- Those working in the office will be provided with N95 or higher respirator masks, disposable gloves and safety goggles as directed by the Tulsa County Health Department.
- Special disinfectant soap will be provided.
- All work surfaces will be disinfected with disinfectants provided, especially frequently used items such as keyboards, phones and other desktop items.
Preparations will be made to LOCK DOWN the building(s), if necessary, and allow access only by authorized personnel with proper protection.
- When in LOCK DOWN, anyone that is permitted to enter the building will be provided a disposable mask, goggles and any other items as directed by the Tulsa County Health Department.
- A member of staff will be assigned the duty of screening at the door and making sure that the proper items are used before entering the interior doors.
- During LOCK DOWN, a proper disposal container will be placed in the entryway for disposal of contaminated or used materials.
Recovery strategies identified for BMCC’s equipment and services:
- Business functions will be recovered in priority sequence based upon the classification of the function as agreed with Senior Management and implemented jointly.
- Communications concerning the recovery status will be coordinated Senior Management so that those executing the recovery will not be interrupted repeatedly for status.
- Purchase and acquisition of equipment and supplies needed for the recovery effort will be coordinated through BMCC’s budget process. Affiliated organizations will be asked to participate in the purchase and acquisition as well.
- The contingency planning infrastructure will provide for coordination of travel arrangements, food and accommodations for individuals supporting the recovery effort.
- Non-critical BMCC functions, such as networking events, ribbon cuttings, etc. will be cleared without backup as necessary to support the recovery efforts.
- BMCC volunteers and Board members may be called in to support the recovery efforts.
From our employee handbook (update approved by Executive Board 3/11/2020):
Inclement Weather & Emergency Closing
The Chamber is open for business unless there is a government-declared state of emergency or unless you are advised otherwise by your supervisor. There may be times when we will delay opening and on rare occasions we may have to close. Use common sense and your best judgment, however, when traveling to work in inclement weather or during a government-declared emergency.
In the event that the Chamber’s facilities are closed by the Chamber or the government, employees will be paid for the day. If the Chamber’s facilities are open and you are delayed getting to work or cannot get to work at all because of inclement weather or government emergency, the absence will be charged to (1) personal/sick time, (2) vacation time, or (3) unpaid time, in that order. You should always use your judgment about your own safety in getting to work.
If you are able to complete all job functions from home and travel is not advised or an emergency is declared, you may work from home via laptop and cell phone with approval of CEO. If an emergency is declared and the Chamber’s Disaster Recovery Plan is enacted, the CEO will have the Chamber phone line forwarded to their cell phone in the event a VOIP phone cannot be secured from the Chamber office.
When potentially dangerous weather develops during the day and a decision is made by the Chamber to close early, you will be compensated for the full day.
When severe weather or other emergency develops or is anticipated to develop during the day and a decision is made by Management to close before 5:00 p.m., you will be compensated as if you had worked to the end of your regularly scheduled hours for that day. If you elect to leave prior to the time a decision is made by the Chamber to close early, you will be required to use accrued time at the same rate as if you arrive after the scheduled start time.
Strategic Plans
Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE)
Innovative Examples for your Community –
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources –
Coronavirus Resource Guide –
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Combating the Coronavirus –
Kansas Chamber of Commerce
Kansas Department of Commerce
COVID-19 Response –
Small Business Administration (SBA)
CARES Act: What's Available for U.S. Chambers
Chambers organized as 501 (c)(6) organizations are eligible to apply for SBA’s Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program. This program has been in place, but was modified in this stimulus package. One modification is that (c)(6)s can apply for a modest $10,000 advance to help with payroll, and that $10,000 does not have to be repaid. Details and links are here. Chambers and other (c)(6)s are not eligible for the $350 billion in small business loans under the Paycheck Protection Program, which includes loan forgiveness for funds used for certain payroll, rent and other expenses. Chamber foundations that are 501 (c)(3) organizations can apply for the Paycheck Protection Program.
Kansas Small Business Development Center (KSBDC)
Webinar on Small Business Loans and Navigating Through the Paperwork –
CCEKS Monthly Video Conference Calls (CEO Level)
Video Conference Call (CEO Level)
biweekly on Tuesday and Thursday starting March 31, 2020 thru April 16, 2020
Meetings will be recorded and posted on this page
Please use your computer audio if possible. You have the option to be in vidoe or audio mode. (Use your video – we want to see your smiling face)
CCEKS Video Conference Calls - RECORDINGS
- Thursday, June 19, 2020
- Thursday, April 16, 2020 – Kansas WorkShare Program with Phil Hayes of The Arnold Group
- (Access Password: V6#%Gt+?)
- Tuesday, April 14, 2020
- Thursday, April 9, 2020
- Tuesday, April 7, 2020
- Thursday, April 2, 2020
USDA - COVID-19 Federal Rural Resource Guide
American Chamber of Commerce Executives
Institute for Organizational Management
Kansas Chamber of Commerce
US Chamber of Commerce
MAKO Conference
Western Association of Chamber Executives