2020 Kansas Legislative Session Overview - Sandy Braden, KEDA Legislative Liaison Overcoming Rural Economic Development Challenges - Josh Beck, MarksNelson CPA Membership: Breathing New Life Into Your Chamber Proposition - David Pruente, Greater Kansas City Chamber Using Incentives to Drive Re-Development for Downtowns - Kevin Cowan, Gilmore Bell Attaining Well-Being in the Chamber and ED Spheres - Janet Ady, Ady Advantage Brownfields and Certified Sites: Risks & Rewards for Developing Properties - Seth Mettling, KDHE Framework for Growth Update - Patty Clark, KS Dept of Commerce New Market Tax Credit and Opportunity Zones - Steve Radley, NetWork Kansas New Market Tax Credits and Opportunity Zones - S. Shawn Whitney, Spencer Fane New Market Tax Credits and Opportunity Zones - Chris Vukas, Sunflower Development Group